Terms of Service


General provisions.
These General Conditions of Sale (hereinafter "General Conditions"), regulated by the Consumer Code (Legislative Decree no. 206/2005 and subsequent amendments) and by the rules on electronic commerce (Legislative Decree no. 70/ 2003 and smi), are valid exclusively for distance sales concluded via the web of the products shown on the domains www.casabalsarena.it (hereinafter "individually Site") between PRAMARZONI MORENA AZIENDA AGRICOLA, with registered office in Modena, Via Castelnuovo Rangone, 231 /1 Portile – Modena Operational Headquarters via Paganine, 133/B Paganine - Modena, CF PRMMRN70L68F257T and VAT number: IT03222980363 (hereinafter “PRAMARZONI MORENA”) and any natural person, legal entity and/or individual company (hereinafter “Customer” ).
These conditions may be subject to changes and the date of their publication on the site is equivalent to the date of entry into force.
The languages ​​available to consult the general conditions of online sales are Italian and English.

Art. 1 – Object of the contract.
With these General Conditions, PRAMARZONI MORENA sells to the Customer, who purchases remotely, the tangible movable goods indicated and offered for sale on the Site (hereinafter the "Products"). The contract is concluded exclusively through the internet, through the creation of a purchase order by the Customer according to the procedure provided on the Site.

Art. 2 – Pre-contractual information.
The Customer, before completing the purchase, examines the characteristics of the goods which are illustrated in the individual sheets of each Product and declares to have been specifically informed, among other conditions, especially in relation to: i) the price of the Products with details of shipping costs, VAT and other taxes if applicable, and any other costs; ii) payment methods; iii) conditions, terms and procedures for exercising the right of withdrawal; iv) guarantees; v) applicable law and competent court. The forwarding of the purchase order implies full knowledge and express acceptance by the Customer of these General Conditions. The Customer is required to verify with the utmost attention and care the correctness of his/her data contained in the purchase confirmation and to communicate to PRAMARZONI MORENA, within and no later than the following 24 hours, any corrections thereof. The Customer, if a natural person, by placing an order through the Site, guarantees that he or she is of legal age (18 years) and has the legal capacity to enter into binding contracts. In any case, the Customer is prohibited from inserting false, invented or imaginary names in the order procedure and in further communications to PRAMARZONI MORENA, which reserves the right to legally prosecute any violation or abuse. The Customer must pay particular attention when completing the order form as PRAMARZONI MORENA cannot be held responsible in any way for data deemed incorrect by the Customer, if such information has been sent by the Customer.

Art. 3 – Order.
The Customer, who intends to proceed with the purchase of the Products, must express this desire through a request made directly on the Site, in the specifically dedicated section, where, following the procedures indicated therein, he will send his purchase order and make the payment. The personal data communicated for payment will be processed by PRAMARZONI MORENA to follow up on the order request and related invoicing, with the exception of the data regarding the payment of the price of the purchased good, which will be communicated directly to the electronic payment system made available by the banking institutions used by PRAMARZONI MORENA, to allow economic transactions. Under no circumstances can PRAMARZONI MORENA be held responsible for any fraudulent or improper use of credit cards or similar by third parties. Once the contract is concluded, PRAMARZONI MORENA will send the Customer, by email, an order confirmation containing a summary of the information already contained in the order itself.

Art. 4 – Prices.
Unless otherwise indicated in writing, all sales prices of the Products are expressed in Euros (excluding VAT and to be applied on the basis of the country of destination and on the basis of the international regulations in force on the matter) and may be subject to updates. The Customer must ascertain the final sales price before submitting the relevant order form. Shipping costs are not included in the price of the Products, but are calculated based on the shipping method chosen by the Customer, the destination indicated by him, the number of packages and are indicated at the time of the order, when the data for be able to estimate them.

Art. 5 – Payment methods.
Payment can be made by bank transfer, credit card or via the Paypal system. The data and communications relating to payment take place on special protected lines and with all the guarantees ensured by the use of security protocols provided by electronic payment circuits.

Art. 6 – Right of withdrawal for the Consumer.
The right of withdrawal may be exercised, without any reason and without any penalty, within 14 days of receipt of the items by the Customer, only if he is a "consumer" as defined by the art. 3 of the Consumer Code, and with the exception of Products made on request with particular characteristics, you will not be able to exercise the right of withdrawal. The Products must be returned in the same conditions as they were received, i.e. in perfect condition, complete with all their elements, provided with the original packaging and any attached manuals, without having been used, worn or damaged. Transport must take place free of charge. The wish to withdraw must be communicated within 14 days of receiving the Products, by contacting PRAMARZONI MORENA by telephone (at +39 059 8629975), or by writing an email to info@casabalsarena.it. The costs for returning the goods, as well as all transport risks, will be entirely borne by the Customer. The goods must be sent to: PRAMARZONI MORENA, Via Paganine, 133B Paganine – 41126 Modena and the Customer must keep proof of return. All returns, beyond the terms valid for the right of withdrawal, must be expressly authorized in writing by PRAMARZONI MORENA. The Customer is required to return the goods without undue delay, intact and in the original packaging complete in all its parts and in any case within 14 days from the date of exercising the right of withdrawal. PRAMARZONI MORENA, having verified compliance with the above, will refund the amount of the products subject to withdrawal, using the same payment method used by the Customer for the initial transaction. PRAMARZONI MORENA has the right not to accept the return of products that have been altered in their essential and/or qualitative characteristics or that have been damaged. In this case, PRAMARZONI MORENA will return the goods to the Customer, charging the shipping costs.

Art. 7 – Delivery methods.
PRAMARZONI MORENA will deliver the products purchased by the Customer via specialized carriers specifically appointed by PRAMARZONI MORENA. Delivery times are those indicated in the purchase order and specified in the purchase order confirmation and may vary based on the destination, amount and volume of the goods. PRAMARZONI MORENA will not be responsible for delays caused by incorrect communication of addresses and other information necessary to deliver the Products. Upon delivery of the Products to the Customer by the carrier responsible for their transport, the Customer must check, in the presence of the carrier, that: a) the quantity and type of Products ordered corresponds to what is indicated in the transport document; b) the packaging used for transport is intact, not damaged or otherwise altered, even only in the closing materials. c) the quantity and type of Products delivered corresponds to what was ordered. In the event that the package shows obvious signs of tampering or alteration, the Customer must notify PRAMARZONI MORENA by e-mail and/or registered letter with return receipt within the following 24 hours. For each order placed on the site, PRAMARZONI MORENA will issue an invoice for the goods shipped, sent by e-mail or post to the order holder or inserted in the package sent to the Customer.

Art. 8 – Guarantee.
The Products offered for sale on the Site comply with national and community legislation in force in Italy. The designs, images and colors of the Products on sale on the Site are intended as indicative and may differ from the actual ones due to the local settings of the systems and/or tools used for their display. The Customer must in fact refer exclusively to the characteristics described in the technical data sheet of the goods which can be consulted for each individual Product. Any inaccuracies or non-substantial differences between the representation on the Site and the actual Product cannot be considered a breach of contract. Products altered in any way and without the original packaging are excluded from the warranty. Furthermore, any other defects caused by accidental events or the user's responsibility or by non-compliant or improper use of the Product for its intended use and/or as provided in the documentation attached to the Product where existing are also excluded from the warranty. , supplied by PRAMARZONI MORENA to the Customer. To take advantage of the guarantee, the Customer must provide proof of purchase and delivery of the goods. In the event of defects in the Product's conformity with the characteristics published on the Site: a) if the Customer is a Consumer, as defined in the art. 3 lett. a) of the Consumer Code, has the right to make use of the guarantee provided by the Consumer Code which provides that the Consumer, under penalty of forfeiture, must report to PRAMARZONI MORENA any lack of conformity found in the Product purchased within 2 (two) years since the discovery. Following this complaint, the Consumer will have the right to request the replacement of the individual Product, without prejudice to the other rights provided by law. b) if the Customer is a Professional, as defined in the art. 3 lett. c) of the Consumer Code, has the right to make use of the legal guarantee provided for in the Italian civil code, which provides that the Professional Customer must report, under penalty of forfeiture, to PRAMARZONI MORENA any lack of conformity found in the product purchased within 8 ( eight) days from discovery. The warranty is valid for a maximum of 12 (twelve) months from delivery of the Product.

Art. 9 – Applicable law and competent court.
The sales contract concluded according to these General Conditions is intended to be concluded in Italy and governed by Italian law. Any dispute relating to the interpretation, execution, validity of the sales contract concluded through the Site will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Reggio Emilia, except in the case in which the Customer has acted and concluded this contract as a Consumer for purposes unrelated to the entrepreneurial and professional activity carried out: in this case the Court of the place where the Customer has his residence or domicile will be competent.

Art. 10 – Complaint.
Any complaints must be addressed to PRAMARZONI MORENA by sending a registered letter with return receipt to the following address: PRAMARZONI MORENA, Via Paganine, 133B Paganine – 41126 Modena.

Art. 11 – Contents of the Site and intellectual property rights.
The contents of the Site such as, by way of example, works, images, photographs, dialogues, music, videos, documents, drawings, figures, logos and any other material published on the Site are protected by law. copyright and any other intellectual property rights of PRAMARZONI MORENA and other rights holders. Reproduction, modification, duplication, copying or in any case exploitation of the images and contents of the Site is prohibited unless previously authorized in writing by PRAMARZONI MORENA. Any use of the contents of the Site for commercial and/or advertising purposes is also prohibited.

Art. 12 – Processing of personal data.
The Customer's data is processed by PRAMARZONI MORENA in accordance with the provisions of the legislation on the protection of personal data, as better specified in the Information available in the specific "Privacy" section on the Site
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